Housing for Youth and Families
MSC offers shelter for families. Families will work with a case manager to find stable housing and reduce barriers to self-sufficiency.
Eligibility for shelter:
- Families include single-parent or two-parent families with at least one child under 18 years of age
- Families must be homeless (per HUD definition for category 1/literally homeless or 4/fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence)
- Family income must be less than 30% of AMI (area median income)
- Family must be willing to committed to working with a case manager
- No charges of meth manufacturing, arson, sex offenses, or repeated assaults
- Family must have no other housing options
To find out if you qualify for homeless housing programs in King County, and/or to discuss creative solutions to finding temporary or permanent solutions to homelessness outside of the homeless services system, individuals and families should make an appointment with one of the five Regional Access Points (Federal Way, Renton, Seattle, North Seattle, and Bellevue) for the King County Coordinated Entry for All (also known as King County CEA) process.
To access emergency family shelter in King County, please call the family emergency shelter access line every day you are in need of emergency shelter. Please call 206.245.1026 starting at 9:00AM and you will be contacted by family emergency shelter providers throughout King County in the afternoon/evening if a shelter bed is available.
MSC also offers affordable permanent housing for families. Click here for more information.
Multi-Service Center is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Washington Relay 711.