MSC provides supplemental food for residents of the Federal Way School District. MSC can also assist you with completing an application for Basic Food Benefits.
MSC can help with temporary housing as well as permanent affordable housing for youth, families, individuals, seniors, and veterans. MSC also provides rental and emergency assistance, housing for women in recovery, and is a Regional Access Point for Coordinated Entry for All providing shelter and housing for unhoused residents of King County.
MSC can help residents of South King County with their energy bill through the LIHEAP and PSE Helps programs. You may also be eligible to receive a portable AC unit. You do not need to have a shut-off notice to receive assistance.
MSC works with adults at all stages of job readiness. Assistance can include career exploration, job search basics, and job skills development, such as workplace ethics and communication.
MSC’s youth and young adult case managers can help you graduate high school or earn your GED, enroll in college or a training program, obtain employment and navigate career choices. Resources, positive group activities, and mentorships are also offered.
MSC’s community access coordinator can help you navigate and find resources. If you live in Kent or a HNN community, we may have additional staff available to help you navigate resources.
Do you identify as a newly arrived refugee or humanitarian immigrant in Washington State? Multi- Service Center’s Community Outreach and Education program can help you rebuild your life in your new community.
The Long-Term Care Ombudsman program provides advocacy for residents of long-term care facilities throughout Washington State.
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please contact the Washington State Hotline at 1.800.562.6025 or go to http://www.wadvhotline.org/.