MSC Helps Luncheon

Thank you for an amazing 2024 MSC Helps Luncheon!
Thank you to those of you who were able to join us at the MSC Helps Luncheon and to those of you who gave gifts in support of the event. Every year, we are amazed and inspired by your support and this year is no different!
We are proud to share that we raised an amazing $96,101 to provide help, hope, and change for our community through the MSC Helps Luncheon. Thank you for making this possible! If you haven’t donated yet, it’s not too late!
Keynote Speaker: Erin Jones
Erin Jones has worked in and around schools in different capacities for over 30 years. She has worked and done consultation for non-profits, government agencies and businesses. She has worked and lived in 5 states, from the East Coast to the Midwest to the West Coast, in communities that were predominantly White communities to communities that were predominantly Black communities to those that boasted dozens of languages and cultures. She has been recognized locally and nationally for her work in education and equity. She has also received recognition as an athlete and was invited to try out for two WNBA teams. After 20 years of playing soccer and 35 years of playing basketball, Erin now runs long distances and is devoted to regular Orange Theory workouts. Erin and her husband, James, have been married for almost 30 years and have three adult children – two who work in education and one who designs video games.
Help, Hope, Change Award: Grocery Outlet
Grocery Outlet’s commitment to community extends well past their storefronts. Each independently owned and operated Grocery Outlet store is committed to giving back to their community and have partnered locally to provide families nutritious food through food drives, fundraisers, and food donations directly to food banks like MSC. In 2022 the Grocery Outlet on Pacific Highway hosted “Battle of the Badges”, a supermarket sweep competition to raise money for local food banks. Kent and Federal Way PD as well as Puget Sound Fire competed and MSC was the lucky recipient of the money raised. In 2023 when the Redondo Grocery Outlet had their grand opening they celebrated by making a donation to MSC. Grocery Outlets everywhere continue to offer incentives to their customers to participate in their food drives and fundraisers, bringing awareness to their shoppers about food insecurity and inviting them to be part of the solution.
Pacesetters are individuals who provide a gift of $250 or more prior to the MSC Helps Luncheon and receive special recognition. If you would like to become a pacesetter, please make your donation here.
Joe Atkinson Dave & Donna Berger Bob & Sue Celski Annette Chanez Byrant Enge Renè & Ric Ewing Judy & Pat Featherstone Karen & Bill Feldt Manuela Ginnett Teleda Holmes Dick & Bonnie Landen Kristin Logue |
Tory & Shauna Mayfield
Sarah McNiesh David McRae Jackson Miller
Suzy Petrich
Amanda Santo Michelle Schueller Evelyn Takei & Clint Smith
Isabel & Maurice Tessier Maria & Paul Tracy Karen & Tom Vander Ark Bob Wroblewski Kirsten York |
2024 Presenting Sponsor
2024 Signature Sponsors
2024 Lead Sponsors
2024 Associate Sponsors
Allied Residential
Banner Bank
Federal Way Performing Arts & Events Center
Greaney Scudder Law Firm
Umpqua Bank – Middle Market
2024 Media Sponsors
Federal Way Mirror/Sound Publishing
Milkman Media
South King Media