Redondo Heights Engagement Opportunities
Help us build the Redondo Heights Fund to support operations at the satellite food bank and/or services at Redondo Heights through sponsorship, donations, or volunteering! All sponsorships provide naming opportunities and are time limited. If sponsorship isn’t for you, consider a donation and get your name on our donor wall at the food bank. We will also need volunteers to help run the food bank once it is open. You can put your name on a contact list now to volunteer!
Sponsorship provides the benefit of recognition on a specific feature. MSC will provide a plaque or sign designating your sponsored areas as such. Sponsorship funds will be used to support operating costs. Please note length limitations may apply and MSC reserves the right for final approval on content. Sponsorships are time-limited for five years, or the “life” of the area sponsored, whichever is shorter. Sponsorships may be paid in one lump sum or in equal installments over five years. Sponsorship opportunities are listed on the form below.
If sponsorship isn’t a fit for you, you can also make a donation of $500 or more and be listed on our donor wall, which will be prominently featured in the satellite food bank at Redondo Heights. If you would like to make a donation to support Redondo Heights that is less than $500, please click on the donate form on our website, select housing, and put Redondo Heights in the comments.
If you’d like to be a part of supporting Redondo Heights, please complete the form below and a staff member will be in touch with you soon. You may also download our Redondo Heights Engagement Packet packet.