It’s About Relationships
“I really enjoy and believe in helping people without judgment, and that’s what housing first and harm reduction is. They go hand-in-hand.” Chris Cates is one of MSC’s housing supervisors and is also one of [...]
Theo get’s his GED
Theo was struggling in his traditional high school. He was experiencing severe social anxiety and sensory issues. His mental health issues were making attending school difficult, and led to him eventually dropping out of school [...]
Making a game plan
“At times it can be difficult to be a champion for someone who doesn’t see it for themselves and some people don’t have any support,” Julie shares. “But, when you see people have success and [...]
Volunteering as a second career
“Volunteering makes me happy,” shares Chang. Even though he’s retired, 73-year-old Chang continues to work almost full-time; however, it’s not a paid position. Chang is a valued volunteer in MSC’s food bank. You can usually [...]
Back on my feet
“I grew up in shelters. It was really hard and stressful and I didn’t want to follow the same path with my kids. I didn’t ever picture myself being homeless when I grew up,” shares [...]
Making a change in life
“I’m a proud father with my kids in college,” Jermaine shares, “but you know what? They told me they are proud of me for making this change in my life.” He is the father of [...]