Connecting Residents

When COVID19 first made headlines with its arrival in the United States, it was in our backyard at a long-term care facility in Kirkland. The impact of the pandemic on long-term care residents has been significant. MSC’s Washington State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program has been a vital partner in addressing this impact. Long-Term Care Ombuds [...]

2021-03-24T07:39:51-07:00April 10th, 2021|LTCOP|Comments Off on Connecting Residents

How quickly things change

“We weren’t millionaires by any means, but we were doing fine. COVID hit and my life changed,” shares Sara. Prior to the pandemic, Sara worked as a bartender four nights a week. She made a good living and was able to pay all her bills and build up her savings. Bartending gave her the flexibility [...]

2021-03-24T07:31:41-07:00March 24th, 2021|Housing, Stories of Hope|Comments Off on How quickly things change

MSC Distributes Close to $4 Million in Rent Assistance

Janae, a single mother of four, was unable to work after the pandemic shut down her childcare. After it finally reopened, she was able to go back to work, but found herself behind on her rent. Beverly had to reduce her hours at work due to underlying health issues that put her at higher risk. [...]

2021-01-15T12:43:08-08:00January 15th, 2021|News/Media|Comments Off on MSC Distributes Close to $4 Million in Rent Assistance

Depend on MSC

“COVID19 has really taken a toll on me emotionally,” shares Ericka. Ericka was homeless for a year before she moved into her current apartment three years ago. In recovery for over twenty years, and dealing with multiple health issues, Ericka has been unable to work and is dependent on Social Security Disability. “I’ve wanted to [...]

2021-07-15T05:34:47-07:00December 1st, 2020|Energy, Stories of Hope|Comments Off on Depend on MSC

Be the change

“I joined the board because I realized my voice could be a voice for vulnerable people, those that we serve,” shares MSC Board Member Teleda Holmes. Teleda has served on MSC’s Board of Directors since 2010. Her first experience with MSC was as a client. In 1998, Teleda earned her GED through MSC, and then [...]

2021-07-15T05:34:57-07:00November 1st, 2020|Giving, Stories of Hope, Volunteers|Comments Off on Be the change

Making Dreams Come True

“Without Open Doors, I wouldn’t have graduated,” shares 20-year-old Hailee. Awarded her diploma last June, Hailee’s road to graduation was full of twists and turns. Hailee struggled with school starting in middle school. As a freshman in high school, she admits to slacking off. During sophomore year, although she had switched schools, Hailee still wasn’t [...]

2020-09-29T11:45:50-07:00October 8th, 2020|Education/Employment, Stories of Hope|Comments Off on Making Dreams Come True

Employees Community Fund of Boeing and Federal Way Rotary partner with MSC to bring food the community

Multi-Service Center (MSC) is back on the road again picking up food donations in a new box truck thanks to generous grants from the Employees Community Fund of Boeing and Federal Way Rotary. MSC’s new 2019 Isuzu box truck will pick up 70% of the food donations, representing 58,000 pounds of food each year, that [...]

2020-08-07T08:46:44-07:00August 7th, 2020|Food/Clothing Bank, Giving, News/Media|Comments Off on Employees Community Fund of Boeing and Federal Way Rotary partner with MSC to bring food the community

Federal Way residents can help MSC with one click at Waste Management

Help support Multi-Service Center by taking a few free and easy steps to simplify your garbage, recycling, and yard waste service with Waste Management. Waste Management will donate $1 to Multi-Service Center for every Federal Way customer who signs up for any one of these free services: automatic pay, paperless billing, or by simply filling [...]

2020-07-30T13:22:41-07:00August 3rd, 2020|Giving, News/Media|Comments Off on Federal Way residents can help MSC with one click at Waste Management

I can relax

At 58 years old, Sonya is happy to have found stability again. As a mother of eight kids, she and her husband had struggled with disabilities, limited income, and housing stability throughout their 31 year marriage. When her husband left and moved out of state, Sonya found herself losing housing stability once again, this time [...]

2020-04-08T13:14:42-07:00June 8th, 2020|Housing, Stories of Hope|Comments Off on I can relax

Message from CEO Robin Corak

Dear Friends and Community Members, The historical and current impact of racism and racial trauma on our community is real. Especially as we witness the injustices happening to the Black Community at this time. At Multi-Service Center (MSC), we see the disparity in poverty and homelessness, and strive to build a future without poverty by [...]

2020-06-01T15:27:55-07:00June 1st, 2020|News/Media|Comments Off on Message from CEO Robin Corak
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