
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, please contact the Washington State Hotline at 1.800.562.6025 or go to http://www.wadvhotline.org/.

Stories of Hope

Superheroes sometimes need help too

Skyler is a real-life superhero and goes by SkyMan. He feels a strong sense of serving his community through inspiration and peer support. Skyler’s sense of purpose as a real-life superhero and duty to help [...]

June 13th, 2019|Categories: Giving, Housing, Stories of Hope|Comments Off on Superheroes sometimes need help too

They got us a home

“MSC helped us a lot and is still helping us. They got us a home. Our MSC case manager is always the first person I call,” shared Takisha. In August 2018, Takisha’s family lost their [...]

May 7th, 2019|Categories: Education/Employment, Energy, Food/Clothing Bank, Giving, Housing, Stories of Hope|Comments Off on They got us a home

Fighting to live

“I had to fight to live,” shares Ann.* At 27 years old, Ann left Honduras and immigrated to the United States to be with her husband. She left behind family, including several children. She also [...]

April 29th, 2019|Categories: Housing, Stories of Hope|Comments Off on Fighting to live

It meant the world to me

At 33 years of age, Alicia is focusing on getting her life back on track. Over the last several years, she has struggled with substance abuse issues, an abusive former partner, and the loss of [...]

April 15th, 2019|Categories: Housing, Stories of Hope|Comments Off on It meant the world to me

Find Stability in her Sixties

Betty was a figure skater, headed to a professional career, when a fall during a double axle at 15 years of age changed her path forever. She grew up in California, and moved to Washington [...]

February 15th, 2019|Categories: Housing, Stories of Hope|Comments Off on Find Stability in her Sixties

Deann finds a path out of homelessness

At 64 years old, DeAnn found herself homeless after the love of her life passed away. She was sleeping in her car at a truck stop in Eastern Washington. She started making her way towards [...]

February 27th, 2018|Categories: Housing, Stories of Hope|Comments Off on Deann finds a path out of homelessness
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