Dear Friends and Community Members,

The historical and current impact of racism and racial trauma on our community is real. Especially as we witness the injustices happening to the Black Community at this time.

At Multi-Service Center (MSC), we see the disparity in poverty and homelessness, and strive to build a future without poverty by creating pathways to help, hope, and dignity for all of our neighbors. In order for MSC’s mission to become a reality, we must act in accordance with our values which include a commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, integrity, respect, teamwork and passion for helping others, and for eradicating social injustices which perpetuate the cycle of poverty. As such, we are committed to actively fighting racism.

Community Action was a major part of the civil rights movement in 1965 and thus equity and anti-racism efforts have long been a part of community action’s history. As a community action agency, MSC has undertaken a great deal of intentional internal Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity work over the past few years and we have made progress.

We want to be in support of all of our communities, and at this time, especially our Black employees, clients, and broader communities. Yet, we realize that this work is a journey and we still have much to do. It will take us all showing up. 

Anti-racism work is a necessary effort. Racism impacts all of us. MSC reaffirms its commitment to listen, learn from, and act for those most impacted negatively by racism and ensure their voices are heard, to provide resources and opportunities for all of our neighbors in need, and to break down barriers to equity so that all of our community members have the ability to achieve their highest potential and build empowered and thriving communities.

Please join us in this commitment.

Thank you,

Robin Corak, CEO