“Don’t stop, keep going, those words meant a lot,” says Sharon.
Over a decade ago, Sharon’s family moved back to the Seattle area from Minnesota to be close to Sharon’s mom who was having medical issues. Sharon and her partner had been together for 23 years and had three children. In Minnesota, they owned a house and Sharon had a good job, however her partner struggled off and on with drug use.
Once in Seattle, his drug use became worse, and Sharon knew she had to leave to make life better for her and her children. “I’d always kept my independence and money hadn’t ever been an issue,” she said.
However, without any support from her children’s father, it was more of a struggle than she anticipated. Sharon had been working temporary jobs and was having difficulty finding permanent work. The instability in her income eventually caught up with her and she had difficulty paying her utility bills and rent.
On a visit to MSC’s Kent office for energy assistance, Sharon not only got help with her energy bill, but something she needed much more. Help with her confidence to move forward and change her life at a time when she had lost a lot of hope.
“I saw the MSC staff treat people with kindness. I talked with the receptionist and we shared experiences. She told me to keep going and things would change and they did,” shares Sharon.
Now, ten years later, Sharon’s life is different, and she gives that conversation at MSC a lot of the credit, “She showed me I could make change and she gave me courage.”
Sharon recently joined MSC’s housing department as a staff member. “I remember that conversation so clearly, and that she told me I can’t talk negatively about myself. I needed to ask myself what I am going to do to change my story. Now I’m helping other people like she helped me and it feels good.”